Programs offered by JVSP

JVSP aims to achieve the aforesaid goals by conducting various short and long-term courses.

Programs offered by JVSP


Yuva Utthan 18+

The dynamism and high energy of youth, if conserved and channeled toward the positive direction, benefit the well-being of the entire cosmos. Yuva Utthan trains the youth in matters of social awareness, patriotism, and the overall well-being of the nation using educating them about the ancient scriptures of India.


Center for Varkari Studies

CVS focuses on the dissemination and learning of Varkari literature such as Jnaneshwari, Abhang Gatha, Eknathi Bhagvat and other literature, including Srimad Bhagvad Gita and Brahmasutras for sadhakas, in a traditional learning center. The studies are available in multiple languages, including English, Sanskrit, Hindi and Marathi.

philosophical studies


Social awareness activities conducted in the public interest for the overall harmony of the entire nation, like water conservation, sanitation, and hygiene, safe disposal of plastic, environmental, social health, and legal awareness.


Naad Brahma

The traditions and culture of Varkari Sampradaya is imparted in these programs, Students learn the different aspects of the Varkari Parampara, such as the use of musical instruments like harmonium, pakhavaj, mridang, veena, taal, the different types of dances and rhythmic movements used in Kirtans and the Vari pilgrimage.


Center for Philosophical Studies

JVSP aims to have a well-developed library on Western and Eastern schools of thought. It supports students of philosophy in their studies and preparation for higher examinations in universities as well as UPSC, NET-SET with learned Acharyas who bring in immense exposure and erudiction, the center is devoted to the development of philosophy. 


Center for Sanskrit Studies

JVSP conducts regular Sanskrit grammar and literature workshops as well as study groups and classes for those preparing for higher studies and careers.

Bhavarta Darshan

Daily discourses on Jnaneshwari, Upanishads, and Srimad Bhagavad Gita are made available to everyone.

Vedanta Mumukshu

The program nurtures and fosters the fundamental values of Vedanta and Indian culture in children through stories, games and nature camps.

Vaanaprasthi 50+

An inter-generational communication and  dialogue-focused program to bridge the generation gap and preserve ancient knowledge in order to strengthen family ties through lectures on the desire, life, death and attachment enshrined in the vedantic philosophy.


Granth Darshan

Organizing exibitions and stalls in various public gatherings and social events with collection of books on the Varkari sampradaya, Vedanta and related literature.


Vedanta Swadhyaya Publications

The publications of various types of books and audio-visual media on Varkari Sampradaya and Vedanta for the greater good of the society.


Professional and Corporate Workshops

Customized and targeted workshops for professionals, association and institution across domains and industries, such as medicine, law, business, engineering, informational technology with the aim of providing spiritual guidance and based on spiritual Vedantic philosophy. The workshops are also targeted towards old age homes, charitable institutions and also legal penitentiaries.

Vedanta Fellowship

Intellectuals and spiritual individuals are offered a fellowship in Vedanta for research in philosophy, linguistics, and the Varkari Sampradaya.

Vedanta Internship

Learners are given an intensive six-month internship in Vedantic studies by taking up the course work, practicum, and projects in consultation with an Acharya. The primary objective is to enable students to integrate theory and practice under the guidance of learned teachers.


Matru Sanskara

Workshops on the teachings to be imparted to mothers through mantras, shlokas, values, and inspiring stories from the Vedantic philosophy to nurture and bring forth divinity into their personal lives and also their families.



It involves rearing and upkeep of Indian species of cows, calves, and bulls along with the manufacture of organic dairy products and natural medicines. 


Spiritual Varkari Institution